the fatality of technology. with all it's inherent holes. click click click click counting keystrokes of things immaterial. but i'm caught in internet relevance. some of this may have been a little long in coming.
'harvest in solstice' show opening featured in ENVY magazine.

couple of give up pics in the newest issue of CASE

...which also has a really good interview with DUAL. if you're not familiar with his work -

houston press announcement for the aerosol warfare gallery show

got an early copy of CLERK FLUID'S new book. over 300 pages of his writings from as well as other musings on art and the workings of the art industry. this is the most bitter, cynical, stabbing, hilarious, and true commentary on art and the art community i've ever seen. if you can get a copy, well worth the read.

and i'm not just saying that because of the BGPs in one of the random urban landscape photos that are scattered throughout the book.

visited the new DOMY bookstore and gallery in austin. they should be open for business by the time this hits the screen. on cesar chavez just east of 35.

a lot bigger than the houston space, and with a gallery specific room for installations, etc. copies of the 'lonely days and wasted nights' book should be available at both the houston and new austin locations.

more graphic design type work. but something i couldn't not do. it's been a good run guys. a lot of good years, good times. a lot of roads traveled. the last recordings WILL TO LIVE did were definitely the hardest and heaviest of their career. hopefully they'll see the light of day posthumously. until then or

25 of these 11x17 prints on heavy card will be available at the show.