domy ran an ad in hamburger eyes for the last show they did with shawn smith. apparently they actually sold a lot of his work too. stuffed animals giving hugs? who would've thought? but more importantly there was a line at the bottom of the ad about this show coming up. and hamburger eyes is awesome. www.hamburgereyes.com. duh.

houston press announcement

free press announcement

sometimes installations take a while

these wasps had been working on this nest for a little while leading up to the opening out on the front porch

the red light on the camera made their wings stand up

new stuff.
acrylic on panel. 40"x51".

acrylic on panel. edition of 2. 24"x35". get legitimate.
also in an edition of 36 on newsprint. 24"x36".

acrylic on paper. 52"x40". edtion of 25. 5 on grey, 20 on white for the streets.

friends, skaters, graffiti writers, bike messengers, art fags, sluts, collectors, hipsters, humidity, etc, etc, etc. free beer is a pretty strong draw. shot a lot of pictures of the goings ons throughout the night. but then decided this is about my ego, not theirs. for more pictures of the action go to www.domystore.com. they also have all the works still available after the opening in the webstore while they last. or you can just go by their space. the show runs through august 17th.

afterparty celebrities carry dogs in purses.

big thanks to will boone, mark flood, and nick merriwether for helping hang stuff and blocking in backgrounds. justin for delivering the work. chad for loading and unloading. and lauryn for trips to get things we forgot.