wood block stamp for hatefuck

wood block stickers

made the three hour drive to a city that has forever felt like a trap, that years down the road i'm starting to recognize the full potential of. the plan was to paint a mural that i estimated at 16 hours. three days later and it's still not finished, but obligations brought me back to houston. hopefully within the next few weeks i'll be able to go back to finish.

when i got back home the new wes eisold book 'deathbeds' was waiting for me, paypaled from PA.
good luck.

as well as finding this new houston graff/art zine courtesy of JEWS and company

and bomit.com has organzined a big bandanna themed group show that i was invited to join. i actually finished mine a while back but have been waiting until after the opening to post any pictures. october 5th at winter street, i believe. in general themed shows and 'open call' shows suck, but i think this one is going to prove otherwise. more information and a full list of artists involved is on their site.